
viernes, diciembre 17

Maori HAKA

Ka mate, ka mate
It is death, it is death

Ka ora, ka ora
It is life, it is life

Tenei te tangata puhuruhuru
This is the hairy man

Nana i tiki mai whakawhiti te ra
Who caused the sun to shine again for me

Upane, upane
Up the ladder, up the ladder

Upane kaupane
Up to the top

Whiti te ra
The sun shines


Anonymous Anónimo said...

why does every non Maori say that the haka is a war dance. In actuality it is not. A war dance to the Maori is done with weapons-a haka done without weapons is just that - a dance!
The absolutely famous haka 'kamate' should be printed with its full content, not just the last few lines!!!

2:36 a. m.  

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